Hurricane Financial Preparedness
Hurricane season is here.
Take appropriate financial steps to make sure that once the storm has passed, you can quickly bounce back. From protecting important documents to having cash on hand, a little financial foresight can go a long way.
Make sure you’re safe and prepared by following the steps below.
Keep cash on hand.
Make sure to have enough cash on hand to get you and your family through several days after an emergency. This is especially important if ATMs, banks and credit card machines are offline due to a power outage. Include smaller bills in case stores aren’t able to make change.
Gather financial and critical personal, household and medical information.
Have extra copies of important documents like insurance policies, passports, birth or marriage certificates, and medical information. Store them in a secure and easily accessible spot such as a safe deposit box, external hard drive, or the cloud to avoid any issues.
Get property insurance.
Homeowner’s insurance usually doesn’t protect against flood, earthquake, or landslide damage, and in coastal areas like the Carolinas, hurricane damage may not be included. Take a look at your current policies to verify that the coverage amount and scope are enough to handle potential losses.
Protect your valuables.
Whether they are family heirlooms, vehicles, or technology, make plans to protect them from damage. It can be unplugging devices to prevent the battery from being ruined by an outage or planning ahead by choosing a secure location to store a car, boat, or RV.
Download the REV mobile app.
Get our mobile banking app so you can access your account 24/7, wherever you are. Easily deposit checks, transfer funds, pay bills or check balances.
Know your evacuation route.
Evacuation routes are predetermined to help you become familiar with the ones nearest to you in the event that state and local authorities announce evacuations for your designated zone. To find your evacuation zone and learn the routes closest to you, please visit